Try entering the lyrics of Rap God and watch your WhatsApp send 1560 words to your friend in separate messages 😂😂 Do try out different things and let me know what all you did with this on Twitter or Linkedin 🤩
Why can’t you people send the whole message together? -_. This is just the starting, you can customize this script in several ways to do different tasks like how I change a few things so now this script takes in a message and sends each word as a separate message, just because I hate when people do this to me. Now the user can enter the message the loop count in alert boxes and the result should look something like this Var b = document.querySelectorAll('#main > footer > div.vR1LG._pyable-area > div:nth-child(3) > button') Var count = prompt('Enter the Number of times') // Change the Number to changeįor(looper=0 looper footer > div.vR1LG._pyable-area > div._2A8P4 > div > div._2_-text')
Var message = prompt('Enter the message')